Effective and Reliable Communication for Your Application

Introducing the Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP), a powerful solution for real-time communication, multiplayer games, Internet of Things networks and much more. With WAMP, you can ensure that your messages reach their destination with speed and reliability.

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Create robust microservices that communicate seamlessly with each another using RPC

You are able to create different types of microservices. You can choose the technology that best suits your needs, with support for a range of client libraries like JavaScript, Python, and Go.

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Implement an event-driven architecture using PubSub, which uses events to trigger microservices

You have the option to include or exclude subscribers when publishing events.

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Stream Your Data with Ease

Use a yield statement to stream a large quantity of data and then iterate over the remote generator.

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Scale Your Network Without the Need for Reboots

Simply initiate a new router instance and link it to a current network using wamp3bridge.

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