
Publish & Subscribe

Subscriber: Also known as the “consumer” or “listener”, the subscriber able to subscribe to particular topic and receives events from it. When the publisher sends out a message, all relevant subscribers get notified.

Here we’ll deliver an event to multiple consumers.

// subscriber.js

async function onEcho({payload}) {
    console.log('new message', payload)

async function main() {
    // join code here
    let subscription = await wamps.subscribe(
    console.log(`new subscription ID=${subscription.ID} URI=${subscription.URI}`)

Publisher: Also known as the “producer” or “event emitter”, the publisher is responsible for sending events to topic. It can broadcast to specifically target or to particular subscribers.

// publisher.js

async function main() {
    # join code here
    await wamps.publish('net.example', 'Hello, WAMP!')


new message: Hello, WAMP!